Sunday, November 25, 2012

New critter pics

Well winter has come to Minnesota. Not my favorite season, but being retired, if its bad weathr I just stay home! I have just a few breeding groups........just to enjoy the hens and rabbit.

My new bantam cochin hens arrived.  Lemon blue and Brown Reds. They are gorgeous. Tame and gentle.....they are fun to watch.

This week they will be joined by a Blue mottled pullet

Buddy is enjoying the cool weather, he recently got his wool cut......

I reduced the number of chicks to 5.......hopefully all pullets......I guess time will tell

I take a 2 mile walk every day, TLC my pets, with new powerful glasses (and eye drops) I can read large print I always have a book in progress. My quiet life suits me, I am not alone---I live with me!

Till later

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