I can't wait for November 1st. That's the day the rams get turned in their respective groups. There
is 3 yr old Einstein.....Ag Black and carries HST, ram lamb "Butte" a modified moorit and ram lamb "Brewster" a true spotted black and white. Twelve ewes........4 to each ram? Decisions, decisions....
The ewes are gaining back their sleek beauty and are looking fantastic. In walking my pasture, there is a lot of forage out there! Thanks for all the rain........maybe they can graze till mid October. Starting to count the numbers for winter mode. Today I sold the 2 wethers from May and the ram lamb Tundra. All the fleeces sold right after shearing. I have 54 started pullets- 30 Buff Orpingtons and 24 Ameraucana/EE on craig's list. 15 Buff Orps are being picked up tomorrow. My layer flock is 8 Ameraucana pullets all laying-- 8 eggs 3 days in a row- they just started 3 weeks ago. In the flock is 4 younger pullets-- 2 Ameraucana and 2 Black sex link and I ended up with a beautiful Ameraucana roo-----blue/cream/ red gold mix! oh and there's the Splash Silkie hen and her 12 splash Silkie chicks..........
Just chatting
My 2024 book list
1 week ago
Life sounds very good at Fletcher Three Oaks!
Brewster is very excited about meeting your girls ; )
I am excited to be getting Brewster!
Most of my ewes carrying spots, one is HST marked. Spring 2011 there will be a lot of flashy lambs bounding about.
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