Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Best of the holidays to you!!

This winter is sure a surprise....48 degrees yesterday! As you can see from the picture we can have Christmas without the white stuff. I have settled into town life. I can and have walked downtown to browse, shop and go to the Public Library..Large print books..I loved to read and have started up again. I read a bit each day till my eyes are tired.... The last two have been murder mysteries. I like a book to grab my attention, so I can't put it down. The other day--- induced by the warm weather I got out the nursery books...........what to plant where. I have a pickup load of perennials and shrubs to bring in from the farm.......but buying a few too......Definitely getting a couple Vanilla Strawberry  Hydrangea shrubs for the front yard

I will stop, as the list could go on and on


1 comment:

Tombstone Livestock said...

Merry Christmas, glad you are enjoying your new home.