Sunday, April 3, 2011

Things that go SNAP!! Its been a rough 10 days....

Wednesday March 23, I was subduing, yes I had to tackle her-- a wild ewe lamb--loading her for market--- I  grabbed for her legs to catch her and she kicked my right hand I didn't think anything of it; but I could feel my right pointing finger on top of my next finger....that's odd--- I looked down.  My pointer finger bend at the first knuckle and the rest of the finger was at a 90 degree angle and laying on top of my next finger .........ah shoot that's not good.  I finished chores and walking into the house  I grabbed my finger and popped it back into place--three separate times. During my shower it popped out a couple of times..Every time I moved my hand the finger would try to work and go out of joint. Paula looked at it, nothing broken, so I used cold pak, then heating pad....On day 4 I can't get it to straighten out on it own.......I can force the finger flat on the kitchen counter...we splinted it with gauze, popsicle sticks and tape.  With the splint off, I still can't get to go from bent in half to straight,,,,,,,can't get the last joint where the finger nail is to bend....So Tuesday March 29th I took off the splint  I can get it to straighten out twice, then it stays bent...... with everything else I deal with medically, I need my right hand to work fully. So called Alex Clinic for an appt at 7:30 and at 9:30 saw my doctor- Zwach A  really nice an x ray-- nothing broken. I told Doc Zwach  I need my hand to work, whatever we need to do...Dr Zwach said most of your hand strength is your thumb and forefinger,  the tendons that move the finger are ruptured/came unattached...they put it in a really good sports splint. So I have an appt with an Orthopedic surgeon Thurs April 7th a consultation for surgery..we hope it can be fixed ....But talk about cramping my style!! I figured out how to handle a pitch fork to clean barn, but Milking  my two fresh does with my left hand one teat at a time.......more work than leisure pleasure!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh shoot, Jerry; I'm sorry to hear this!