Sunday, January 16, 2011

HI my name is Jerry and I am a Chickenholic

Well its done and the dust has settled. I sold all of my OEGB,  EE hens, EE chicks and Silkies. And I even took down a chicken pen! remodeled the big main pen a bit

Here's what I have taken this morning,,,,very cold day here.
My Blue Laced Red roo "Beach Boy" Five BLRW Splash hens, 2 black production hens
20 BLRW 3 month old chicks...looks like 9 roos and 11 pullets, and four 3 month old black production pullets.......that's it!  I only need 8-10 eggs for the house a day! So I will have
sell some nice correct  BLRW pairs in Spring

Oh I still have my Brinsea Oce 20 do a wonderful job.....but I will hold off for a while....enjoy the calm
Till later

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