I sold and gave away a few hens to get down to 2 Black sex link and 8 Ameraucana laying hens and my Flashy Ameraucana roo. Then a friend had 3 Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte pullets--so pretty-- and there were 2 Blue Orpington hens So I brought home all Five. A neighbor had a Blue Orpington/ BLR Wyandotte rooster.....dark blue with some red lacing on his breast.......So he went in with the 5 new hens. We discussed Michelle's "Morgan" hen. Then my neighbor was bragging of having a blue laced gold Ameraucana hen that would comment my rooster and perhaps produce a Morgan.....so "Marie" joined the layer flock. I mix and match my chickens to see what I can get....
Meet Wyatt and his splash and blue hens.......hoping for some red laced chicks. The color will come, they have the Wyandotte type that can be hard to get.....stout deep broad---sounds like my ewes!
No decking of halls
1 week ago
those hens look rather nice and well balanced!
All your new chickens look lovely, but I have to say those blue hens are very striking (probably because I've never had anything like them)! I can see why people get caught up in varieties of iris, or dahlias, or chickens - SO many pretty colors! One of my new Easter Egger started chicks looks like she will turn out very similarly to Morgan; maybe a bit lighter in color. Got lucky on that one!
I have yet to get a blue Ameraucana pullet.--Lots of blue roos but never a pullet. Maybe next year..with my Blue roo Flash2 on my dark Ameraucana hens????
one can hope
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