Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rainy day nickel farm tour

I have all my chickens, sheep, goats, water hydrant, feed and hay all in the barn. So bad weather/winter chores are easier to do Hay and straw takes up the west half of the barn. North and east walls have the 4ft wide chicken coops, so the sheep lamb with only the south wall near them and the wall acts like a passive solar collector.
Barn in July
OK the nickel tour, get comfortable, hey call the kids over
let's step inside....we are greeted by the flock ready for their grain

And now they are happily munching on a bit of grain........
Keeping watch on everything is Miracle.....she got her name because she is the only kitten her mother managed to raise out of 3 batches! Miracle cries till we pet her!
The goats having a morning snack before milking.......the big one is a visiting buck.......we're lucky my camera doesn't capture his scent----shoot  Odor!

Goats back inside eating hay,,,,,,,,,,

The hay stuffed to the rafters!

What's this tucked in the straw bales?

Let's look inside.........the hen hut......Muffin and her 3 Ameraucana chicks
Splash Silkies waiting for their morning bread treats

And in the next pen........we see the BLRW hens

And in the last chicken pen we see my Ameraucana flock enjoying...veggies and bread

Well that concludes our barn tour, Any questions?



Kelly said...

That was worth a $1 at the very least...Thanks for the tour.

Verde Farm said...

Jerry, what a beautiful place you have. The animals are just amazing. I would love to spend some time in that barn :)