Monday, March 29, 2010

Busy day!

Shade is 11 days old, and yes he's turning grey. He is quite a lamb. I found out his dam Shadow is 3/4 Karakul. So Shade is 1/2 Border Leicester 3/8 Karakul 1/8?    So I am watching him as he grows. He is long wide, good bone and has good height to him.  Jury is still out..on Shade as a ram prospect,he has till Fall to impress me.

Today we traveled to Brainerd for Goldie and Silver from Rayna.  Nice looking ewes On the way home we stopped at my shearer Tim Kroll to get Goldie and Silver sheared. Tim does a good job. His brother's family has a Maple Syrup operation, so on the way home we stopped. Fascinating.......more on that later as they are emailing me pictures!

Tomorrow morning 25 Black sex link pullet chicks arrive. I will raise them keep some and sell some. I have 20 eggs that made it through candling....should be hatching today My friend hasn't emailed/called with a progress report. Hoping for some Easter Eggers to hatch--all from good blue eggs. They can go in with the new pullet chicks.

I am following Garrett's lamb news Three of his Shetland ewes bred BFL have lambed.  Autumn, Castle Rock and Snow Cloud. All three are coming here after weaning.

Till later


1 comment:

Rayna said...

The girls made it home fine, though Charm was a nervous wreck the whole time.