Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our First snow

that fell and is still here. I know friends in Southern MN got a lot more. My mom in Fergus Falls..40 miles due snow. I woke at 5 AM, checked my email, my cousin Mike was up waiting for daylight to start the hunt. We were emailing back and forth and I wrote to him..
[Some people get up in the morning and say ah Sh_t! and are ready to do battle with the day. I prefer to wake up feeling blessed and embrace the day- Jerry]
I went back to bed. Slept in till 8AM! Walked out to the window (pic above) and said aloud "Ah Sh_t! snow!" then I laughed really hard.......shook my head and embraced the day.
I hope your hunters are happy, your hobbies in progress, wish all your critters well, that they and you are warm and dry


1 comment:

Verde Farm said...

I can relate to the "ah sh-t" comment :) I am not ready for snow yet Jerry.
Love your attitude!