Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chick pictures!!

My son Darren stopped by. He has a phone that he can take pictures and email to me. So here is the 14 Ameraucana chicks at 3 days old. They are from extra large eggs, so they are big robust hale and hearty. Some are crazy marked, a few brick red, several with a blue hue to them---they should have some blue on them when they mature. Fluffy cheeks and chins-- show their beards already. The left side of Pic#2, chick facing the camera....throat is all fluffy with its beard. Chick in foreground facing side view shows off its fluffy cheek beard. The first time we had chicks in the laundry room, neat to hear them pip. I peek in often, baby chicks like other babies sure sleep a  lot..
Sire of the chicks, I am hoping that some of the chicks get all his colors!
Cold here today. Sold a few sheep this afternoon. When the cold wind blows I can easily lock everyone in at night....yes babying them I know, but the barn is warmer for me! Eight bred ewes, 3 bred dairy does, 24 adult chickens and 39 chicks. I will have a chicken sale in Spring.......Ameraucanas, Splash Silkies and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. Add a few next generation to the breeder flocks, and sell started, young adult and year old stock. Michelle I will be contacting you first, as you expressed a need for some BLRWs. We know someone who can get them to you!
Stay warm.......131 days till lambs.....and the April First!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I just might be able to find room for a few!