Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hatch Day!

My first hatch in many years. I set my new Brinsea oce 20 incubator (24 egg capacity) with 20 extra large sky blue eggs-I followed the "hold you by the hand" instructions to the 't'-turned the incubator manually every 8 hours-to turn the eggs, add warm water to the evaporate trough every third day,  and waited,,,,,,,, First chick 3AM Wednesday......they hatch thoughout the day and night  3 chix, 5 chix, 8 chix.......this morning the count was 14.......excellent hatch of robust good sized chicks,,,,,,,,14 chicks from 20 eggs at 70% hatch  that's great!!..... Paula is in Idaho visitng her cousin with our camera, so sorry no baby pictures.......yellow with black stripes, one solid blue, brick red, brown, blue/brown.......cute cute cute.......they are my 3rd generation Ameraucanas    Breed to standard,,,but in unusual colors so they don;t qualify for show,,,,,but I am doing it for me....improving each generation "to see what I can get"
Till later



Verde Farm said...

They sound adorable Jerry. Can't wait to see pictures. You keep breeding for you--sometimes show standards aren't the most important thing for the breed :) Enjoy them.
Amy at Verde Farm

Michelle said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see them!

Jerry said...

Amy and Michelle
Lots of new pictures next week when Paula is back with the camera.
I love getting your comments, The I know I am not just talking to myself!