I am collecting hatching eggs from my colorful Ameraucanas. My Brinsea bator was incubating 20 eggs.. Eggs were piling up so I ordered a 2nd Brinsea Oce 20.......they hold 20-24 eggs. Delivery 2-3 weeks! So I borrowed the neighbor's Little Giant styrofoam incubator......loaded it with 32 eggs.
1st bator hatched out 12 healthy big chicks....now the styrofaom should give me 16-20........Lightenung hits, I am gone over night, electricity goes out in part of my house where the styrofoam bator is plugged in...for only 4 hours...eggs should still hatch......No eggs hatch! So I won't use it again So I have 12 chicks.
I reset my 1st Brinsea bator with 20 eggs due to hatch July 31st. I set my 2nd Brinsea with 24 eggs due to htach Aug 10th.
I browse the Back Yard Chickem Forum. Hmm 12+ Black Blue Splash Ameraucana chicks...hmm
This morning I bid and win.....so by mid week I will have 12-14 more chicks......and Let's not forget the 44 eggs in the bator......half will be roosters, so striving for 20-25 pullets to choose my next generation flock.
Ewes are in heaven. It has been said that our grass with all this rain is mostly water, so I give my 7 ewes and 4 lambs one slab off a small square bale....so they have dry matter in their tummies and its spose to buffer their stomachs as well. They are grazing more oftem They love it when I take them out to pasture and get down some leaves.....yes they are all 'sticky sheep' I like them tame and to be surrounded by my flock
Augst 6th I pick up Snap! who carries spots, spotted Abbie and 2 HST marked Finn/Shet ewe lambs from Gail OOH Boy!
Till Later
Counting down and checking off
6 days ago