Saturday, April 16, 2011

What's this stuff?

I woke up to snow covering everything,,about 2 1/2 inches which isn't that much, but still........I checked the calendar yes it IS April 16th!  Lambs are growing like weeds, ewes are packing away the feed and milking like good dairy goats. A set of white twins R and E, and the rest are moorit...mioget...a few have the sugar lips so Ag.   Two ewe lambs are very tame, follow me around, trying to declare "keeper status" At first I thought they were full twins, but each has a twin sister that isn't coming near me. The plan is to sell all this year's lambs as I have 5 Cheviot/Shetland ewe lambs ( a white, 4 black/ faded black), a yearling Cheviot/Shetland ewe (katmoget) and Badger Faced 3/4 Cheviot ram lamb coming this summer. Beef up the lamb crop, keep the many colors, and with my mature Shetland make more Chev/Shet ewe lambs
I bought seed to over seed my barnyard pastures to grow for late summer grazing.......that 68 degree day, I almost spread the seed.........I'll wait a bit longer,,,,


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