Seven ewes and 15 lambs. 7 ewes and 8 rams Lambing started 3-22 and ended 4-7
My ewes were bred to "Butte" solid mioget ram with great soft longer single coated fleece.
Butte at 5 months
Final tally
Nugget-Musket- had twin moorit ewes, one sugar with a white star the other solid
Polly - Musket- had twin moorit ewes both have white swirled heads
Yarrrow- Musket had triplets 2 R 1 E moorit with white swirled heads
Maybeline my white ewe had white (covering black) twins R-E
Tinkerbelle moorit ewe had twin rams Both solid moorit
Bella spotted Musket had twins 1R 1E Both mioget with white swirled heads
.....And then there was Palisade pictured before February shearing
Last night my last ewe to lamb Six year old Palisade was having trouble--one handed I couldn't get the head back up in position, so I called my friends/next door neighbor---very experienced shepherds (30 yrs) to come and help. All three of us tried without success We called the Vet. He came out and with great difficulty got the lambs out. From the 3 hours ordeal- both big ram lambs were dead. We got Palisade some Electrolyte solution, everyone left. I went to the house for a pail of warm water for her. When I get back, Pal is up drinking out of the tank and eating tough old gal!
With arthritis burning in my left thumb as I milk, using only my left hand as my right hand has a sprained finger in a brace, I called the seller of my beautiful milk goats.......Anna and Shilo went back home last night.
Today the goat pen will be taken down, the goat hill pasture is high an dry, today the ewes and lambs will go outside Nice southern exposure with sunshine, then we can watch lamb races.
Till later
My 2024 book list
1 week ago
Congrats on all the healthy lambs and so sorry to hear about Palisade's rough time of it.
Also wishing you a speedy recovery of that finger!
Wanted to mention that Mabeline carries moorit as well as black under the white. Her mother was a musket ewe so she's Aw/Ag BB/Bb. She's also got spotting genes.
I'm sorry you had to give up your does, Jerry. Will you bring them back after your right hand heals?
thanks Becky for the color gene info on Maybeline. she is one of my best ewes.
Michelle I have arthritis in both hands, so even if the healing of my finger good well, I won't be hand milking goats so the does being gone is permanent.I have my sheep and my BLRW chickens
thanks for your comments
Oh Jerry,
sorry to hear about Pal's lost ram lambs. Were they black, like Pal? I am glad the old girl is ok again. She's the sweetest thing.
Pal's tein rams were black, s sad day She has recovered very well, so there is next year....
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