Friday, April 29, 2011

Tough Week

On Easter Monday my wife of 16 years left me. The last couple years have been challenging. Her recent conduct was unforgivable and a deal breaker

Martina Mcbride song "Independence Day" was running through my head.....
~~But everybody looked the other way
And when time ran out there was no one about
On Independence Day...

Let freedom ring
Let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today is the day of a reckoning
Let the weak be strong
Let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away
Let the guilty pay
It's Independence Day~~~~

I will retain my farm and home. I will continue with my beloved Shetlands---grades but pure breeding....not going to cross in other breeds. I have 7 ewes, one loss her lambs, so 6 ewes - 5 sets of twins and one set of trips. , (I sold two trips as bottle lambs) so 11 lambs. Most morrit--some modified and Ag to come in... 6 ewes and 5 rams.  Yarrow's ram lamb will be herd sire. Dubbed "Luv Me" by my granddaughter. I have a sweet dilemma I have 4 pettable ewe lambs, they come up to me, clambering for attention  Gosh Jolly they have to stay!

I am OK



Michelle said...

Oh Jerry, I am so very sorry to hear this. I will have to trust that you are telling the truth when you say you are okay; will keep you in our prayers.

Gail V said...

Jeez Jerry
I haven't read blogs much but just saw this-- I am so, so sorry about your marriage-- and wish you only the best as you sort out your life and future goals.