Saturday, February 5, 2011

This warm weather is great!

You know the old adage "Make hay while the sun shines" on Wednesday, we had 34 degrees and full sun....ewe fleece was dry and all fluffy- they looked like big pillows. I worked in the barn. I sorted and leg banded my 3 1/2 month old Blue Laced Red Wyandottes....9 roosters and 11 pullets.
I sold a trio and sold a group of butcher roos. I have 8 remaining.......7 for sure pullets and one roo/pullet- time will tell. So I took down another chicken pen...I am working the chickenholic 12 step theory being less pens less chickens that can be kept......I started with 4 big pens and I am down to two,,,Selling a few more hens, by late March I will be down to only a few>>>my BLRW roo Beach Boy and 10 BLRW hens.  The empty pen will become a nursery for goat kids.....I will bottle fed the doe kids- make for tamer quieter gentler milk does.
Now I have to be honest the hen pen is good sized and it has two brooder/broody hen hutches on one side Each is 2 ft wide x 4ft long x 2ft high,,,, SOooooo I do have room to grow a few chicks........(looking down sheepishly at my shoes) Hucks! (shrug and mumbling)  one can only do so much
Till later


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