Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall is in the Air!

My neighbors, Lloyd and Carolyn, and I joined forces and got our winter hay. We hired a strong 21 yr old to help us! Man can Aaron stack hay! Lloyd transported the out-of-the-field loaded racks.......we stacked. I got 2 racks of beautiful 3rd cutting alfalfa/grass mix hay. it smells wonderful, my whole barn smells good. I got a little more than I need for the winter so we stacked some in the garage, yup I have room for the old pickup.  Since I can't drive, so 'old blue' see little action, unless my daughter takes it to town for me....a Menards or Fleet Farm trip.
Carolyn got one rack and three more yesterday

I put up a white fence around the yard onto the sheep fence I alaways wanted one,

So the white fence, made the brown deck look out of place.....so I slowly painted it all white......now the while place looks good! The white deck shows of the white house trim ect



Michelle said...

I really like the white deck; looks sharp!

Gail V said...

Looking good, Jerry. I still need another hundred bales, myself...
I'm sure it feels good to be ready.